Kernels ======= Available kernels ----------------- You are likely reading this because you wonder which kernel functions :math:`K` are available. Every available kernel is shown in the figure below. Kernels with finite support (synonymous with *bounded support* in these docs) are annotated with an **F**. A listing of every available option is found in ``NaiveKDE._available_kernels.keys()``. .. plot:: :include-source: from KDEpy import NaiveKDE for name, func in NaiveKDE._available_kernels.items(): x, y = NaiveKDE(kernel=name).fit([0]).evaluate() plt.plot(x, y, label=name + (' (F)' if func.finite_support else '')) plt.grid(True, ls='--', zorder=-15); plt.legend(); Kernel properties ----------------- The kernels implemented in KDEpy obey some common properties. * Normalization: :math:`\int K(x) \, dx = 1`. * Unit variance: :math:`\operatorname{Var}[K(x)] = 1` when the bandwidth :math:`h` is 1. The bandwith of the each kernel equals its standard deviation. * Symmetry: :math:`K(-x) = K(x)` for every :math:`x`. Kernels are radial basis functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Symmetry follows from a more general property, namely the fact that every kernel implemented is a radial basis function. A *radial basis function* is a function which evaluates to the same value whenever the distance from the origin is the same. In other words, it is the composition of a norm :math:`\left\| \cdot \right\| _p: \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}_+` and a function :math:`\kappa: \mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}_+`. .. math:: K(x) = \kappa \left( \left\| x \right\| _p \right) .. note:: If you have high dimensional data with different scales, consider standardizing the data before feeding it to a KDE. Kernels may have finite support, or not ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A given kernel may or may not have finite support. A kernel with finite (or *bounded*) support is defined on a domain such as :math:`[-1, 1]`, while a kernel without finite support is defined on :math:`(-\infty, \infty)`. Below we plot the *Guassian kernel* and the *Epanechnikov kernel*. * The Gaussian kernel does not have finite support. * The Epanechnikov kernel has finite support. The reason why kernels are normalized to unit variance is so that bounded and non-bounded kernel functions are more easily compared. In other words, setting ``bw=1`` in the software ensures that the standard deviation :math:`\sigma = 1`. .. plot:: :include-source: from KDEpy import * x, y1 = NaiveKDE(kernel='gaussian', bw=1).fit([0]).evaluate() y2 = NaiveKDE(kernel='epa', bw=1).fit([0]).evaluate(x) plt.plot(x, y1, label='Gaussian kernel') plt.plot(x, y2, label='Epanechnikov kernel') plt.grid(True, ls='--', zorder=-15); plt.legend(); Higher dimensional kernels -------------------------- The one-dimensional example is deceptively simple, since in one dimension every :math:`p`-norm is equivalent. In higher dimensions, this is not true. The general :math:`p`-norm is a measure of distance in :math:`\mathbb{R}^d`, defined by .. math:: \left\| x \right\| _p := \bigg( \sum_{i=1} \left| x_i \right| ^p \bigg) ^{1/p}. The three most common :math:`p`-norms are * The Manhattan norm :math:`\left\| x \right\| _1 = \sum_{i} \left| x_i \right|` * The Euclidean norm :math:`\left\| x \right\| _2 = \sqrt{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \dots + x_d^2}` * The max-norm :math:`\left\| x \right\| _\infty = \max_{i} \left| x_i \right|` In higher dimensions, a norm must be chosen in addition to a kernel. Let :math:`r := \left\| x \right\| _p` be a measure of distance (:math:`r` stands for radius here). The normalization necessary to ensure :math:`\int \kappa ( \left\| x \right\| _p ) \, dx = 1` depends on the value of :math:`p`, but symmetry is guaranteed since :math:`\left\| -x \right\| _p = \left\| x \right\| _p`. The figure below shows the effect of choosing different norms with the same kernel. .. plot:: :include-source: from KDEpy.BaseKDE import BaseKDE from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D kernel = BaseKDE._available_kernels['tri'] n = 64 p = np.linspace(-3, 3, num=n) obs_x_dims = np.array(np.meshgrid(p, p)).T.reshape(-1, 2) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d') z = kernel(obs_x_dims, norm=np.inf).reshape((n, n)) surf = ax.plot_surface(*np.meshgrid(p, p), z) ax.set_title('Using the $\max$-norm') ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d') z = kernel(obs_x_dims, norm=2).reshape((n, n)) surf = ax.plot_surface(*np.meshgrid(p, p), z) ax.set_title('Using the $2$-norm') Kernel normalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kernels in any dimension are normalized so that the integral is unity for any :math:`p`. To explain how a high-dimensional kernel is normalized, we first examine high dimensional volumes. Let :math:`r := \left\| x \right\| _p` be the distance from the origin, as measured by some :math:`p`-norm. The :math:`d`-dimensional volume :math:`V_d(r)` is proportional to :math:`r^d`. We will now examine the unit :math:`d`-dimensional volume :math:`V_d := V_d(1)`. We integrate over a :math:`d-1` dimensional surface :math:`S_{d-1}(r)` to obtain :math:`V_{d}` using .. math:: V_d = \int_0^1 S_{d-1}(r) \, dr. Since a :math:`d-1` dimensional surface is proportional to :math:`r^{d-1}`, we write it as :math:`S_{d-1}(r) = K_{d-1} r^{d-1}`, where :math:`K_{d-1}` is a constant. Pulling this out of the integral, we are left with .. math:: V_d = K_{d-1} \int_0^1 r^{d-1} \, dr = K_{d-1} / d. From this we observe that :math:`K_{d-1} = V_d \cdot d`, a fact we'll use later. What is the volume of a unit ball :math:`V_d` in the :math:`p` norm in :math:`d` dimensions? Fortunately an analytical expression exists, it's given by .. math:: V_d(r=1; p) = 2^d \frac{\Gamma \left( 1 + \frac{1}{p} \right)^d}{\Gamma \left(1 + \frac{d}{p} \right)}. For more information about this, see for instance the paper by Wang in :ref:`literature`, where we have used :math:`K_{d-1} = V_d \cdot d`. The equation above reduces to more well-known cases when :math:`p` takes common values, as shown in the table below. .. table:: High dimensional volumes :widths: auto ============== ============== ================================================================ :math:`p` Name Unit volume :math:`V_d` ============== ============== ================================================================ :math:`1` Cross-polytope :math:`\frac{2^d}{d!}` :math:`2` Hypersphere :math:`\frac{\pi^{d/2}}{\Gamma\left ( \frac{d}{2} + 1 \right )}` :math:`\infty` Hypercube :math:`2^d` ============== ============== ================================================================ Example - normalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note: We would like to normalize kernel functions in higher dimensions for any norm. To accomplish this, we start with the equation for the volume of a :math:`d`-dimensional volume. The equation is .. math:: V_d = K_{d-1} \int_0^1 r^{d-1} \, dr = V_{d} \cdot d \int_0^1 r^{d-1} \, dr. The integral of the kernel :math:`\kappa: \mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}_+` over the :math:`d`-dimensional space is then given by .. math:: V_{d} \cdot d \int_0^1 \kappa(r) \, r^{d-1} \, dr, which we can compute. For instance, the *linear kernel* :math:`\kappa(r) = (1-r)` is normalized by .. math:: V_{d} \cdot d \int_0^1 \left ( 1 - r \right ) r^{d-1} \, dr = V_{d} \cdot d \left ( \frac{1}{d} - \frac{1}{d+1} \right )= V_d \left ( \frac{1}{d+1} \right ). The *biweight kernel* :math:`\kappa(r) = \left ( 1 - r^2 \right )^2` is similarly normalized by .. math:: V_{d} \cdot d \int_0^1 \left ( 1 - r^2 \right )^2 r^{d-1} \, dr = V_d \left ( 1 - \frac{2d}{d+2} + \frac{d}{d+4} \right ) = V_d \left ( \frac{8}{(d+2)(d+4)} \right ). Some 2D kernels ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's see what the kernels look like in 2D when :math:`p=2`. .. plot:: :include-source: from KDEpy.BaseKDE import BaseKDE from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D n = 64 p = np.linspace(-3, 3, num=n) obs_x_dims = np.array(np.meshgrid(p, p)).T.reshape(-1, 2) # fig = plt.figure() is already set, adjust the size fig.set_figwidth(7); fig.set_figheight(5); selected_kernels = ['box', 'tri', 'exponential', 'gaussian'] for i, kernel_name in enumerate(selected_kernels, 1): kernel = BaseKDE._available_kernels[kernel_name] ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i, projection='3d') z = kernel(obs_x_dims, norm=2).reshape((n, n)) surf = ax.plot_surface(*np.meshgrid(p, p), z) ax.set_title(f"'{kernel_name}', $2$-norm")